Kym Hewett

I was a goodie two shoes during the two years I was at the CGS (67 & 68) and was never expelled for anything. This was an oversight I redressed in spades at the ANU, graduating eventually with a useful pool game and drifting into government unemployment in Canberra.
In 1976 I married a trim Suesy Davidson (ex CEGGS) – we met at school. We have two beautiful daughters, Jacqui (27) and Jenny (25) who live and work in Sydney.
The Australian Trade Commission has paid the bills for most of my working life. I was Senior Trade Commissioner in Seoul, in Kuala Lumpur and in Beijing. In 2007 Suesy and I moved to Dubai where I cover the Middle East & North Africa for Austrade. Alarmingly our two girls have announced that they will soon be joining us in Dubai to kick start their international careers. Bust out the camels.
The thing Suesy and I enjoy most of all is catching up with old friends, most of whom just happen to be you guys. And for that we have CGS to thank.
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