Ian Crebbin

CGS (1966-8, Garran House, which never seemed to win anything), BA at ANU and later MBA at Uni of Qld. After stint in Perth joined Public Service in Canberra, starting as psychologist, then policy areas, before escaping (for much same reasons as Peter Ellerman) to BrisVegas, joining Uni of Qld, and then commercialisation arm of UQ (UniQuest), starting up a number of spin-off companies. Now run consulting business specializing in commercialising innovative technologies – have worked with over 150 emerging companies over past 15 years…enjoy working with so many interesting and talented people.
Still married, since ’75, to long-suffering Canberra beauty Julie, have 3 grown up children & 1 grand-child so far. Played lots of sport over the years (Aussie rules, squash, running, golf, rock climbing etc), have always painted a bit (not in Neil Moore’s class though!), and also enjoy travelling, snorkeling, house renovating and garden design, but mainly time with family and friends.
Memories of CGS were mixed – loved sport, can’t remember doing any work, refused to wear school hat/cap, lacked motivation according to every report I ever got, missed out on alcohol and girls others mention (must have been a bit young for my age!), with final memory of being sent down to Manuka shops for a haircut before I could sit HSC exams. One strange memory I have is at an end of year camp concert at Thredbo climbing up behind a huge rock singing “I am a rockâ€, with Paul Hohnen on guitar (Paul, can you verify this?). Most of my friends in fact seemed to be from Narrabundah High, mainly because I played Aussie rules with Manuka. Haven’t run into hardly anyone since those days (except Dick Ruddock who is doing great things in US, Rob Harvey thru work, and Kym Hewett in KL), which in retrospect is a shame.
Sorry can’t make it to reunion (will try harder next time, as I used to say at school). But if anyone is passing through Brisbane with some spare time, I’d love you to give me a call & I’ll shout you a beer, or even a game of golf at BGC (other favourite past-times).
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Hi Ian
You look disgustingly young and fit; well done!
I have no lasting recollections of our time in Thredbo except one: having to use my socks when ‘caught short’ on a WC-less hike in the purlieus.
As to the ‘I am a rock’ rendition, it sounds about right…