Peter Bootes

Peter Bootes, 1960-1968, Radford (Junior School) and Blaxland – boarded the whole goddamn 9 years. Believe was actually suspended with Peter Ellerman (despite his protestations to the contrary) for, you guessed it, drinking. Was also demoted to a plebeian from Pre-Prefect and Prefect for much the same offence as I recall. Academic achievements? Was Dux of Junior School – my sole claim to any academic achievement.
Somehow hoodwinked the ANU into conferring on me a BEc and an LLB. Worked in the APS across some eight agencies from 1975 to 1999 in predominantly legal areas, when I gratefully accepted a retirement/redundancy package. Subsequently did various consultancies around the APS for much better remuneration. Now retired.
Married Patricia Wallace (CGGS) in 1972. Didn’t work out at the time and went on to have some other meaningful relationships. However, after not seeing each other for 25 years, Patricia and I met up again at the Ellermans’ 25th wedding anniversary in 1999 and have been inseparable ever since.
Love fine food, wine and travel and echo Fred Barnes’ comment about local CGS alumni’s regular get-togethers.
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