Geoff Brown

G C S Brown – Geoff Brown – 1963/64 as a Burgmann House day boy, later years as a Jones House boarder, short lived return in early ’69 to upgrade “less than acceptable” ’68 HSC result. Standard suspension late in ’68 for drinking – I blame Peter Ellerman, he seems to be the common link. Younger sisters Belinda (Lulu) and Jane Willis were at CCEGGS.
Managed to avoid being called up in the 1969 ‘draft’ – unlike a few of our number. Short stint at ANU 1970/71 where I majored in drinking (Deakin Inn/Scottish Bar/Settlers Bar/ANU Union), partying (Union and Halls of Residence), and not attending Law lectures (due to pressing engagements at various Vietnam Moratorium marches, anti-apartheid rallies at Springbok games, Festivals of University Drama, and at pool tables and card tables generally).
Travelled to London overland through Asia, ‘Asia Minor’ and Eastern Europe in early ’74, and returned through Russia, Japan and the Philippines in early ’75. Twice married – to Helen Michalak in ’75, and now to the gorgeous Jen. Six fantastic children between us – Nick (33), Amanda (29), Hayley (25), Annie (24), James (18) and Stephen (13).
Have worked for the Australian Government since ’75 (broken by a premature, and short-lived, retirement in ’96/97) – mostly in positions related to Tourism Industry policy, but including working in the offices of a number of Tourism Ministers and as Government Relations Manager for Tourism Australia.
Love travel and fishing – the combination of which has taken me to many of Australia’s great unspoilt regions – Torres Strait, west coast of Tassie, the Kimberley and the Coral Coast. Jen and I look forward to exploring more of our great land in retirement – which I am sure will happen one day! In the meantime, I continue to enjoy an occasional glass or two with Messrs Barnes, Bootes, Crick and Ellerman.
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Hi Geoff
This is Judeth from many years ago. I moved to the US in 1972 and have only just recently returned to Australia after all those years abroad.
My husband and I live in Twin Waters on the sunshine coast ( he works in medicine as an emergency room specialist)
Your name just popped into my brain from the old Canberra days and “as you do”, I thought, I will just “google” him.
Nice to see you have not lost your touch with the “grapes”
Wish you well and great to see your smiling face come down through the decades